Our Financial Planning Approach & Objective

To provide a greater understanding of insurance and financial needs through communication and analysis while simultaneously building and maintaining a long lasting relationship dedicated to quality service, communication, professionalism and integrity.

For many people, investing in the financial arena can be both complex and intimidating. Inexperienced investors are often disappointed because their investments fail to achieve the desired results.

My approach to financial services is based on identifying the client’s needs prior to making any investment or insurance recommendations. The process begins when you are asked to define your goals; we then consider your risk tolerance, and time horizon for your goals. When your goals, risk tolerance and time frames are established up front, the likelihood of working towards your goals is enhanced.

Individual Focus Areas

Income Protection

Provides a steady income if you are unable to work through various types of insurance.

Education Planning

Helps to increase your return on investments and reduces income taxes while allowing you to control assets until tuition is due. Examples would be a 529 Plan or Coverdell Education Savings Account.

Retirement Planning

Utilizes both personal (SEP, IRA, Roth IRA) and company ( 401{k), 403{b), 457, SIMPLE IRA) retirement plans to help achieve a comfortable lifestyle upon retirement.

Estate Planning

Help reduce income and transfer taxes (Wealth Transfer, Wills and Trusts Review*) to provide adequate capital and income to your family or dependents, as well as planned funding for charitable gifting.

Financial Services

Improves the diversification on your savings and investments (Mutual Funds, Annuities and Investment Advisory) to help achieve financial goals more expediently and efficiently.

Holistic Financial Planning

This detailed approach takes into account all disciplines of financial planning and the end result is a complete financial plan for you to follow. Annual updates to take into account life’s changes are vital to allow this to process to work for you. This process also takes into account Investment strategies.

Income Distribution

Strategies to help you outlive your assets.

Business Focus Areas

Business Continuity Planning

Allows an orderly transition of ownership and control after death, disability or retirement of an owner.

Executive Benefit Plans

Enables business owners to offer unique incentives, such as Deferred Compensation, to key executives.

Qualified Retirement Plans

Utilizes vehicles such as 401(k), pension and profit sharing plans, SEP and SIMPLE IRAs to provide company tax deductions as the plan assets grow tax deferred to qualified employees.

Group Benefits

Establish group health, life and disability income coverages for employers to provide to their employees.